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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Israel Logo


DECEMBER 7-14, 2023

Nitzanim Logo

On Saturday, October 7th, Israel witnessed a horrific massacre. In the face of this darkness, we are witnessing the incredible light of Israeli civil society. Hatashtit-Nitzanim is collaborating with partner organizations to extend and strengthen social, educational, and humanitarian support to residents in dire need.

Hatashtit-Nitzanim, founded by the AVI CHAI Foundation, empowers and connects communities, social enterprises and local leaders advancing education, culture and services in Israel with an emphasis on the social periphery, strengthening Israel. Currently working with 20 nonprofit organizations throughout Israel, Hatashtit-Nitzanim is facilitating an emergency mission of ten nonprofit directors to the US during Hanukkah so that we may increase the light of the Jewish people together, strengthen communal resilience and provide hope both in Israel and abroad. These organization leaders, despite facing these extraordinary circumstances themselves, are creating solutions for the evacuated, for those with special emergency needs and all are building national resilience. We are truly stronger together and invite you to join us on this journey.

Emergency Initiatives

Led by established Israeli organizations, the following initiatives support Israelis who directly endured the devastating events of October 7th and residents from the Southern border with Gaza and the Northern border with Lebanon who were forced to evacuate from their homes.

Emergency delegation

Supporting Thousands of Volunteers on the Frontlines, Israeli Volunteer Association

The Israeli Volunteer Association plays a crucial role in supporting Israel's civilian population as the umbrella body for all volunteer activity and research. Two of the largest-scale volunteer programs are: Magen David Adom (Israeli Red Cross) whose volunteers run hotlines and assist in ambulances with injured and sick patients and National Service, whose volunteers in the Gaza adjacent towns — Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod — continue to engage children and youth through remote and on-site educational encounters, providing cultural and educational activities for children who are homebound to alleviate tension and anxiety and give parents a reprieve. National Service volunteers serving in hospitals have not left their posts since the beginning of the crisis, assisting doctors and nurses in providing dedicated care to thousands of the injured. In response to current events, the Israeli Volunteer Association has initiated the following emergency programs:

  • Transportation for Volunteers: Funds for shuttles to transport volunteers to areas in need.

  • Emergency Preparedness: Secure volunteers' homes in conflict area.

  • Psychological Support for Volunteers.

  • Apartments for Residents: Housing for volunteers and additional apartments for residents in crisis areas.

Accessible Emergency Services for People with Disabilities, Access Israel

Access Israel advances inclusivity for individuals with disabilities, with a primary goal of integrating these individuals and their families into society with full equality, rights, respect, and maximal independence. Addressing the physical and emotional needs of the elderly and disabled during evacuations necessitates a specialized approach, one that Access Israel  provides. In response to current events, Access Israel has initiated three emergency programs:

  • Volunteer Training: Develop training materials, including videos, lectures, presentations and brochures, to educate volunteers on how to assist people with various disabilities during emergencies.

  • Accessible Alternative Accommodation: Ensure alternative housing is accessible for individuals with disabilities during conflicts, including training for hosts, a digital platform and advertising. 

  • Rescue Vehicle with Elevator: Procure rescue vehicles with an elevator to evacuate individuals in wheelchairs during emergencies.

Healing Haven, Muslala

Muslala is a community organization that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds through art, sustainability, and shared experiences. Muslala's mission is to create an inclusive community, fostering connections that transcend cultural and social boundaries. In the wake of October 7th, Muslala is embarking on a significant initiative – the "Healing Haven." Situated on Muslala's spacious terrace, this haven spans almost two thousand square meters, nestled in the heart of Jerusalem. It serves as a therapeutic respite for those who have been displaced from their homes, offering solace and support amid the tumultuous events. Activities for adults and children include: gardening, woodworking, meditation, music sessions, yoga, and mindfulness practices. This project focuses on addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of the 20,000 evacuees currently situated in Jerusalem. 
During the initial weeks, Muslala organized intensive sessions for evacuee communities in Jerusalem, tailored to the unique needs of each group. Presently, Muslala is directing providing relief activities with special attention given to families from Sderot and families with children with special needs from Ashkelon.

Helplines for Women During the War, Israel Women's Network

War causes women decreased security, including domestic violence, job loss, and financial stress. The Israel Women’s Network (IWN) is responding to this crisis through three main initiatives: 


  • Expand the Women's Rights Response Center to react quickly to women's needs in the coming months. The IWN’s helpline is expanding hours and staff to ensure women understand their individual and employment rights, and have the tools to address violations of those rights. Consultation will be provided in four languages, representing the diversity of Israel. 

  • Initiate a campaign confronting the exceptionally heinous nature of the crimes perpetrated against women on October 7th and the global apathy. Channel public pressure towards the UN and influential figures to recognize the Israeli women who were victims of rape.

  • Through advocacy, ensure women’s voices are heard in decision-making spaces during these times. 

Mobilizing Community in the Face of Emergency, The Israeli Movement

The Israeli Movement supports and guides neighborhood committees by fostering the development of local civil communities, equipping them with tools, training local leadership, and facilitating long-term processes initiated and led by the residents themselves. In response to the war, the Israeli Movement is actively empowering residents and devising community-based solutions for emergent crises. In collaboration with government entities: 


  • The Israeli movement is training 16 local community organizers for evacuee support at Dead Sea hotels, emphasizing mapping community needs and utilizing local and state resources for tailored solutions. 

  • Supporting 31 neighborhood committees with training in establishing emergency Homefront Command systems focusing on security and community activities. New committees are emerging in response to specific needs in places like Atlit, Hazor, Kiryat Tivon, and more. 

  • Distributing micro-grants in collaboration with The Amitai Foundation, identifying and supporting local grassroots leaders, with 35 grants awarded across cities, spotlighting exceptional leadership forces.

  • Guiding approximately 45 council members, the Israeli Movement is developing a manual for optimal emergency response at the local level.

Communal Strength, Friends by Nature

During periods of uncertainty, bolstering underserved, especially vulnerable populations is especially critical. Friends by Nature was founded in 2005 by a group of young adults, with a focus on multiculturalism and identity in the areas of community, youth at risk, and informal education. Among the members are Ethiopian-Israelis, seniors, religious and secular Israelis, all committed to strengthening self confidence and identity by way of respect for each other’s culture, currently with 8 communities in towns/cities throughout the country. Friends by Nature is currently running the following emergency programming:


  • Conversation circles for neighborhood youth to share experiences, fears and challenges. Building on relationships already established, teens engage in therapeutic dialogue about the horrors experienced by the country on October 7th and build resilience tools 

  • Communal gardens in apartment building courtyards. Building on the model of resilience training during farming work in fields, Friends by Nature is creating urban gardens to allow seniors and others the opportunity to process these horrors through mindfulness activities in conveniently accessible natural settings

  • Women’s circles for emotional and psychological resilience

For more information, contact: Ariela Lacovsky +972-52-5943591 or 612-424-5390 (US)

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